August 11, 2022

Beginning Statements:

  1. To be out of God’s dominion plan is to be in shame. God’s plan for us as believers is to have dominion over all things in life. Eccl 5:19, Eccl 6:2
  2. To grow in dominion is to increase in amount, size and quality!
  3. Dominion is gradually becoming bigger, better, or consistently increasing in spiritual virtues which results in an enhanced life in an invariably greater performance. John 1:12
  4. Every born-again Christian is to take charge of the overcomer’s heritage. As a child of God, you are not supposed to be down with sickness, sickness is not supposed to overcome you. Because we have been empowered to subdue every force behind sicknesses and diseases. Luke 10:19
  5. What you do not know will not work for you; it is what you know that gives you victory over sickness and diseases.
  6. Understanding the truth in the word of God will always deliver an outstanding experience in life. Proverbs 4:7
  7. By redemption we are engrafted into Christ, making us partakers of same virtue that is immune to sickness and diseases.

Who are we in Redemption?

  1. We were created to have dominion. Genesis 1:26
  2. We were redeemed for dominion. Ephesians 1:20-21, Ephesians 2:6
  3. We must be enlightened by dominion. John 1:1-5. Darkness cannot stand light.
  4. Creation births us into dominion, redemption positions us for dominion, but revelation of God’s word prepares us to take dominion
  • Every believer is constantly at war against the gate of hell
  • The truth does not grow, but we as believers grow in the truth. Matthew 16:18

The spirit behind diverse sickness and diseases

  • At the root of every sickness and disease is a spirit. Luke 4:38-39. The easiest way to deal with any affliction is from the root. When you cut a tree from the branch it springs forth, but when you uproot it from the root, it does not grow again.  Luke 4:38-39
  • Sickness is a spirit that we need to deal with
  • If behind every sickness is a spirit, then the devil is the one behind the spirit. Luke 9:1
  • We operate the same virtue that Jesus carries, therefore, as a child of God, he has given us power to cure every disease; the same immune system that Jesus carries is in our system, therefore, no sickness is permitted to live in our system
  1. The spirit of fear is behind diverse sicknesses and diseases. 2 Tim. 1:7
  • The access that the devil uses to afflict us is fear. Once the spirit of fear comes upon you, the devil begins to afflict you. Job 3:25, Hebrews 2:14-15
  • Until the devil makes you afraid, he can’t afflict you
  • Information of evil news brings fear. 1 John 4:18
  • When you are afraid you become a victim of torment.
  1. One of the diverse spirits behind sickness and diseases is the spirit of deformity. Luke 13:11-16

Deformity is the gateway to oppression, when you are deformed, you will be oppressed for life

Deformity brings depression, depression weakens your immune system

How does the word of God empower us?

  1. God’s word is the balm in Gilead, while Jesus Christ is the greatest physician. Jeremiah 8:22

The price for your total health has been paid fully by Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:24

The price was paid in full, the price was paid on time, the price was paid with a receipt. The receipt is the word of God. The word of God carries our healing virtue, why then do you allow the devil to afflict you?

You don’t pay for a commodity twice when you have the receipt with you. God has given us the receipt which is His word and satan cannot claim what he has already lost

When the light of the word breaks forth one’s health springs forth speedily,  Isaiah 58:8

The word of God transmits God’s divine nature which is immune to sickness and diseases. 2 Peter 1:4

The word of God is God’s medicine and where God’s medicine is, healing is there.

Those who seat on God’s word don’t fall sick. 2 Peter 1:4

You are either on the word pill or the world pill. When you are given the world pill, it has side effects, but the word pill does not have any side effect

God’s word is preventive and curative, it prevents and it cures

What is in the word?

  1. God’s word is medicinal. Proverbs 4:20-22. Anytime you say Amen, you are taking the prophetic pill for your healing.
  2. God’s word is creative. The word of God has the capacity to create. Genesis 1:1-21, Matthew 9:27-29 God’s word can create whatever organ that needs to be replaced.
  3. God’s word is surgical. Genesis 2:21-23. It is only God that can do surgery without blood spill or scar.
  4. God’s word quickens our human body. John 6:63.
  5. The word of God carries God’s nature. Psalm 74:20

What are the ways of escape for a believer?

  1. God’s escape agenda for us as believers demands that we should be born-again and remain so. Hebrews 2:3

Salvation is a spiritual key that engrafts us to Christ. Salvation is the key to commanding dominion over sickness and diseases

  1. Through God’s word. 1 Corinthians 10:13
  2. By remaining on God’s side. Exodus 32:26. James 4:8
  3. Make a choice to serve God if you must escape from the snare of the fowler. Matthew 6:33
  4. Keep your faith alive always. 2 Cor 5:7

Faith is a spiritual engraftment of humanity into divinity,  thereby commanding supernatural health. Isaiah 33:24

If you must experience escape, you must return to your maker. Sin is one of the things that makes us remain in the pit of sickness.


Pastor Chigbo

What does it mean to be delivered?

  1. To escape is to be delivered from troubles or mishaps. Psalm 37:39-40
  2. To escape is to be brought out of a horrible or life-threatening situation. Jude 1:23, Psalm 40:2, Psalm 107:10,13,14, 1 John 5:18-19
  • Constant spirituality is what guarantees your continual escape. Luke 21:36
  • There are some afflictions that must come, but we are escaped from them all.
  • Stay on God’s side, God is the only one that guarantees escape! Psalm 124:1-7, James 4:8,
  1. Pray always. Ephesians 6:18
  • Sickness is a curse, it is not a blessing. Deuteronomy 28:15,59-60
  • There is nothing good or enjoyable in any sickness. Sickness is a torment. Matthew 15:22-28
  • If you can never forgive, you can never be healed. John 5:16. You might be relieved, but not healed. James 5:16, Isaiah 33:24, Luke 15:17
  • Sickness is satanic ministration. Job 2:7
  • When you habour unforgiveness, sickness will remain. Job 2:9-10
  • Sickness is not caused by pathogens, it is caused by ‘satogen’. Luke 13:11-12

Jesus never told us to pray for the sick but to heal the sick. Matthew 10:8. Matthew 8:5-8