The Master Key to Enjoying Open Doors – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

June 27, 2021



The Challenges of life can be likened to closed doors. When the doors of employment are closed against a man, he remains unemployed, when the door of marriage is closed against a man he remains single. When the door of prosperity is closed against a man, he remains in poverty.

Open doors grant us access to a room or a place, open doors simply mean breakthroughs; being able to move from one place to another. I discovered from this scripture, Luke 13:25-28, that when a door is closed against a man, weeping becomes the order of the day.

Understand that it takes keys to enjoy open doors, Rev 3:7-8. Open doors answer to keys. Luke 11:52, so when we are talking about keys, we are talking about insights, revelational knowledge. Interestingly, small keys open mighty doors. The more keys you have to open doors, the lesser your prayers, John 2:5. The reason why we often-times suffer closed doors is disobedience to instructions, Luke 5:5; Luke 5:4. Your level of compliance answers to your open doors. As believers we are not expected to run after miracles, however Miracles are ordained for us, Mark 16:17-19. Miracles are to follow us naturally, when we obey instructions, and catch up with us when we are in obedience. 1 Corinthians 12:10, miracles are not prayed for, run after, but worked for – The working of miracles.

John 10:9, 3 things to deduce from this scripture; Jesus is the door; its only through Him you will find salvation, it is only through Him you will have access. Rev 3:20. A man’s open door begins when he opens His heart for Jesus. If a man opens up his heart for Jesus to enter, he has access to open doors. Those that go on soul winning outreaches, you are planting seeds of open doors and will in return harvest open doors.

The story in Ruth 2:1-6, tells us that inside God’s harvest is your harvest. Ruth went to harvest corn; we go to harvest souls. According to Mark 16:15, the master key for all-round open doors is SOUL WINNING. For when you are on the go for Christ, the Miracles will naturally flow. If you do not go, the miracle won’t flow.


John 4:1

  1. Have a vision of your desired souls. Have a target for number of souls per time. Genesis 13:14; it is the souls you see that God gives you, the souls you don’t envisage you can’t harvest, Psalms 2:8. Make a list of your targeted souls and start praying for them.

  2. Bind the strongman set over them. Ephesians 2:1-2. You are going to be praying over that list, and amongst other things you are going to be binding the Strong man that holds the lost soul captive. So on the altar of prayer, you are going to be binding that strong man and loosing that soul unto salvation. Matthew 18:18, you bind the spirit/strongman, you loose the soul to salvation. Luke 11:22. Bind the strong man before going on soul winning outreaches. You win them on your knees, and you harvest them on the field.

  3. Create time and approach your targeted souls with friendliness. Do not go for invitation, establish relationship first, John 4:3-4. Jesus had to adjust his program because a soul needed to be saved, who are you adjusting for? John 4:6, we can see here that first, Jesus tried to establish a common ground by asking the Samaritan Woman to give Him some water. Jesus knew that this woman was an adulteress, he started with friendlessness. When you come with friendliness, they open up. Identify with their challenges, don’t condemn them. The scarcest commodity out there is hope, go and sell it to the lost souls. Peter kept failing until he partnered with Jesus. Now you have to let them understand that this salvation you’re bringing is a privilege, Luke 5:2, that God decided to enter your ship, it’s a privilege. You see how you market the product determines the interest, until there’s interest they won’t buy.

  4. Be ready to make sacrifices. You need to minister to them materially and financially. Be friendly like a dove, but be strategic and wise like the serpent. The gospel will cost you first, before it pays you.

  5. You need to encourage souls you have won to go through water baptism, and believer’s foundation class. Mark 16:16, for your salvation is not complete without baptism. Why do they need to go for foundation class? Matthew 11:28-29.


  1. It promotes divine Favour. Psalms 102:14. You can’t favour God’s kingdom and you will not find favour in His sight.

  2. It provides supernatural breakthroughs. Look at Peter, he did his own business but had no results but when He started Jesus’ business, he became fruitful. Luke 5:4

  3. It engenders supernatural fruitfulness. When you give God children, he will give you fruitfulness. Inside your soul winning is your fruitfulness.

  4. It guarantees speedy answers to prayers. Zechariah 7:13; John 15:16. You pray less when you win souls.

  5. It engenders divine health and healing. God has drafted us into a ministry, the ministry of reconciliation. He calls us “Ambassadors of Christ”. When you win souls, you are giving them visa to Heaven which is your kingdom of origin. Proverbs 13:17 ; so when you are a faithful ambassador, it is health unto you.

  6. It confers divine protection. Luke 10:1,17-19. What brings the protection is soul winning. He gave them that power when they went out for soul winning. Soul winners are heavily protected because they are not many. God said, “the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few”.

  7. It provokes supernatural supplies. Luke 22:35