September 19, 2022

Beginning statements:

  1. We have been taught by God’s servant how to handle the prophets in our As believers, there are various ways to handle praise.
  2. Things are not bad because you are bad, things are bad because you are sad.
  3. Every word or statement of the scripture is a snapshot of God’s plan for every believer.
  4. The word of God turns our life into a picture so that we can see where we are going.
  5. The word of God is a picture of our life, it shows us our destination
  6. To see the prophetic word come to pass, we must receive it, believe it and work with it
  7. Receiving the word and not believing or working by it cannot make you a proof. John 1:12
  8. You must first receive the prophet, receive his word, believe his word and work with his word.
  9. To every farmer, planting is not the goal, but a process of the planting season.
  10. Just planting your seed is not enough. Planting is the commencement process. To see harvest you must continue to water the seed.
  11. No matter how quality your seed is, if it lacks moistures it will not germinate and you will note see any harvest in view. Proverbs 12:14
  12. A quality praise and a quality dance are the processes with which you water your seed.
  13. Don’t magnify that challenge, magnify God.
  14. As you are praising God, you are watering that seed and the seed is being refreshed.
  15. We must understand that we are to put up a fight anytime something good is coming our way, because satan and his agents are out to steal that blessing.
  16. Not all white teeth are white heart
  17. God only comes down in praises. Prayer is seen as you going to God with all your complaints and problems. But if we praise God, He comes down speedily to settle our Proverbs 12:14
  18. You cannot praise God without opening your mouth. Proverbs 13:2
  19. Your mouth is to praise him and not to complain, look away from those challenges.

Lifelines for the redeemed

  1. We are redeemed for honour. John 12:24-26.
  • Allow that challenge to die in the name of the God you are serving. 1 Samuel 2:30.
  • When you praise God, your honour will be restored.
  • Don’t fight anyone whom God has honoured.
  • When you are faced with any challenge, are you putting your eyes on God or on man?
  • Always focus your eyes on God and that challenge will turn to you for a testimony.
  • When God has honoured any man, do not dishonour him
  • Don’t use your grace to disgrace any man, just look up to God and you shall be honoured
  1. We are redeemed as stars. Revelation 22:16 God is not a joker, God is not a magician; He says what he means and He means what He says.
  • Nothing guarantees success like the working knowledge of God.
  1. We are redeemed as pacesetters, pathfinders and trailblazers. Matthew 5:14
  2. We are redeemed to enjoy marital settlement. Genesis 1:26
  • Finding a spouse is finding favour. You must love your spouse and believe in each other.
  • Don’t think your spouse is perfect, expect imperfections, oppose intruders, avoid third parties, talk when it is necessary and only then will you enjoy marital settlement and live to a good old age.

You are redeemed to enjoy a good old age. If you are praising God, He will enable you to live to a good old age and you will flourish everywhere.

Characteristics of the prophetic word

  • Every prophetic word received and believed provokes bold declarations. Matthew 10:27
  • Every prophetic word received makes one to be daring . You dare the enemy because you have a big God. Exodus 7:1-2
  • You must keep praising God to see prophecies come to pass in your lif
  • Until there is a change within you, there will never be change around you.
  • As you change your mentality and how you approach life’s challenges, God will move in your direction.



  • Destiny is a journey that one must arrive at, but one must be fully guided to arrive at the desired destination. Isaiah 42:21, Mark 15:43
  • Not everyone who embarks on a journey arrives at their destination. That is why you must be careful, because you have never been to where you are going to.
  • For you to arrive at your destination, you must be guided by the Spirit. Numbers 27:18-20
  • God never gives anybody all their honour at once. He gives you in portions and reserve some for later.
  • Man is always prone to abuse, that is why God releases our honour in portions. John 5:41
  • When man abuses God’s blessings, God withdraws the balance.

By this anointing today, the honour on you will come from God.

Pathways to honour, excellent morals and practices

  • Honour is a seed for access. Roman’s 12:10 You want to access anything valuable, sow a seed of honour, because no one can lift themselves to anywhere that is worth going, you can only respect yourself.
  • Many never get honoured because they cannot show it.
  • Look at yourself as one who is in need but depends on another for the solution to be delivered. Hebrews 13:3-4
  • Honour is to be given to all men. 1 Peter 2:17
  • Honour is a due you pay to reap honour. Romans 13:7,
  • Many don’t have value for valuables. Mark 6:4
  • Kings and queens don’t give to meet needs; they give to show honour. 1 Kings 10:10-13, Proverbs 3:9
  • Honour your Lord, with your substances, not with your lips
  • Honour is of the heart and not the lips. Isaiah 29:13
  • Honour your Lord with prayers. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

What is in the anointing?

This anointing is for honour in our business, destiny, career, finance family and marital settlement.

Life is to be enjoyed, not to be endured. As an eligible single, you need to ask yourself what you are looking for in marriage.

The reason why people miss it in marriage is because they are looking for the wrong things. Malachi 214-16, Numbers 36:6, Genesis 2:21-23, Ezekiel 37:7