How to turn my storm into a song 2 – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

August 1, 2021


SUB-TOPIC: How to turn my storm into a song Part 2

As long as we are in this world, tribulations will come. Storms are meant to make us stronger. Ps 66:12. There is what you go through on the way to where God is taking you to. Joseph went through Potiphar’s house and the prison; the three Hebrew boys went through the furnace of fire. Have this mentality: if God brought you to this storm, He will see you through it.

Rest does not connote the absence of crisis; it is an innner peace in the midst of the crisis. Rest is God giving you inner peace that later translates into you calming the outer storms.

3 major reasons why people suffer unrest (2 Chronicles 15:3)

1. Godlessness, Job 14:1

2. Ignorance: you suffer from the things you don’t know. 2 Peter 1:2

3. Lawlessness. Any man or woman that cannot stay under constituted authority cannot last. Judges 21:25. Behind every restlessness is lawlessness.

Storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere, and an unpredictable interference in the life of a man. It affects the peace and serenity in a man’s life. A storm is also a direct attack of the enemy, whether physically or spiritually and this affects or destroys the peace and tranquility of that person. Storms can come as hurricanes, tsunamis, typhoons etc. Storms can hinder your advancement, delay a manifestation of your blessings, etc.

Ecclesiastes 3:1. The storms of life come in seasons. There are lessons to learn from such a season. Isaiah 43:2.

1. The storms/crises of life come to all. Mark 4:35-41. Jesus was in the boat with the disciples and the storm affected all the ships that were on the sea at that time. But it is only recorded that the boat Jesus was in made it to the other side. The outcome is a function of who is in your boat. The storm is not your problem, your challenge should be who is in the boat with you.

2. That you are in the right place does not mean storms will not come. That God is silent does not mean He is absent.

3. Storm is a sign that you are making progress. Storms come to announce that you are about to change levels. In Mark 4:35, the storm came to oppose their progress. Storm is an indication that you are moving, and the enemy is scared.

4. The storms of life reveal the stuff you are made of. They come to reveal your true person. Jesus was calm, the disciples were not; the disciples who were professional fishermen and were well acquainted with the sea were expected to have been calm . Ps. 89:9. It is only God that can still your storm. 2 Chronicles 15:15

5. When your storm comes, your expertise, skill and connections will not save you. If you want to handle your storm, go to the Storm-Stopper, Jesus. Storms outside God bring frustration and offence. Storm should draw us closer to God; the best time to go close to God is in your storm. Jesus was with them, but He was sleeping – some are in church and born again, but the Jesus in them is asleep. They need revival.

6. Mark 4:38-41. Jesus first dealt with the storm before he dealt with the attitude of his disciples towards the storm. As a leader, when there is a challenge, make the situation right first, before finding out who was not right.

How do I turn my storm into a song?

1. You must make sure you are completely saved or totally rededicated to God. Mark 4: 35- 36. If you are saved, the storm will reveal this. Mark 5:1-2. Nothing was ever mentioned about the other ships that were on the sea at the time of the storm.

2. You must believe the prophetic word concerning you. Mark 4:35. Every time you are facing a storm, the secret to handling it is that you must go back to the word God gave you concerning that thing. The one that said it must bring it to pass. Is. 55:11. Romans 4:19-21, John 21:15-18, Acts 12:2-6. Jesus had told Peter that he would die at an old age and via crucifixion. So, when Peter was put in prison and the plan was to behead him, he knew what Jesus had said about him. So, he knew that he would not be beheaded, and thus, was at rest. Until you are at rest, God cannot do the rest. Your battle can never be stronger than your mantle (mantle here means your divine backing and help). God will never give you a storm that the anointing over you cannot handle.

3. See the bigger picture. Behind every storm, there is a spiritual entity. Until you spiritualize your storm, you cannot overcome it. Spiritualize every storm, no matter how natural it looks. Jesus saw the bigger picture, so He rebuked the storm. Luke 4:38-39. Sometimes, you need to speak to your storm, every storm is a rebukeable personality. Luke 9:42. Behind every storm is a rebukeable personality.

4. Build your faith before the storm. Heb. 4:2-6. It is faith that takes you into rest and it is rest that takes you through the storm. If you do not have inner rest, you cannot overcome the outer storm. Build capacity; build faith and enter the realm of rest before the battle comes.

5. Your storm is an indication that the enemy is scared of your next phase. Mark 5:19-20. Satan was scared of that mad man getting delivered by Jesus, that’s why he wanted to end the lives of Jesus and his disciples in that storm. Jesus was about to make an evangelist out of a mad man. If that man was set free, it would damage satan’s work.

6. Be sold out to kingdom advancement. If you are not committed to God, you will be omitted from God’s intervention. Mark 4:35-36. Soul winners are storm stoppers. If you are committed to God, He will stop your storms.

7. Engage the force of thanksgiving and praise. Ps. 68:1, Ps. 22:3. Every time you are organizing praise, you are setting God up for intervention. 2 Chronicles 20:20. Every time you see storm, organize praise.