March 12, 2023

Beginning Statement:

  1. God is in the business of making people rich. Revelation 3:18
  2. You are not rich until you become an outreach. Job 29:10-14,
  3. You are not rich when you keep managing resources. Revelation 3:17-18, Proverbs 10:22, John10:10, 2 Chronicles 26:3-5
  4. To prosper in life you need to open your spirit man and subscribe to the prophetic principles.
  5. People can make others rich. Genesis 14:23, Daniel 2:46-48, Deuteronomy 32:8-13


What is financial fortune?

Financial fortune simply means being enriched by God in all things. 2 Corinthians 9:8-11

3 Things to note in life.

  1. God is the giver of all wealth in this world. Ecclesiastes 5:19-20
  • Anything you have lost; God is able to give it to you. 2 Chronicles 25:9
  1. God is the owner of all wealth in this world. Psalm 50:10-12, Haggai 2:7-8, 1 Chronicles 29:16, 2
  2. God is the holder of all resources in the world. Psalm 24:1-2, 1 Chronicles 29:10-12
  • Man can only have or own what God has given him. Acts 4:32, Ecclesiastes 5:13, Luke 16:11-12, 1 Corinthians 4:7
  • Whatever is yours today was for someone else yesterday. Luke 4:5-7
  • Serving God and the interest of His kingdom with one’s resources is gateway to a world of financial fortunes. Psalm 35:27, Psalm 37:25
  • You are not to beg if you serve God because that is the first requirement for service. Luke 4:8.
  • If you want God to service you, serve God with all your wealth. Haggai 1:6-10
  • God will only entrust true riches into the hands of those He can trust to use such wealth for the advancement of His kingdom. Matthew 24:14
  • Kingdom wealth and riches are administered by divine direction and divine discretion. Psalm 112:1-5, 9
  • God did not say you should sow all the resources He has blessed you with, you must practice allocation and distribution of your resources.
  • Paying of tithe does not stop you from having money. You are not using your discretion. You are expected to save some, spend some, invest some and give some.
  • Financial management – You must understand how to manage your resources.
  • When you have spent your resources without using divine discretion, you begin to blame God when things are difficult. You can’t blame your helper and move forward.
  • We must be trusted by God to use His wealth to fulfill His purpose. Zechariah 2:9, Zechariah 1:17-21
  • We must recognize that our giving is not a financial donation to help God but a spiritual transaction that releases Heaven’s order of blessings over our lives. Genesis 15:18-22
  • Every giving goes through God before arriving at the final recipient.
  • God brings us into our wealthy place by the vehicle of the covenant. Psalm 66:12, Deuteronomy 8:18


What is a covenant?

A covenant is a deal enacted by God based on well-defined terms and sealed with an oath for delivery. Hebrew 6:13-18

God’s prosperity plan is not a promise but a covenant and until our part is played, God’s integrity cannot be committed to perform. Genesis 8:20-22


3 Covenant channels of financial fortune

  1. You must be committed to serving God and the interest of His kingdom with your God-given riches. Haggai 1:5
  2. You must be committed to tithing your income in other to remain under an open heaven order of blessing. If you want your blessings to continue to flow, learn how to tithe and keep tithing. Malachi 3:10-18
  3. You must be committed to serving God with your worship offering consistently in every service. Deuteronomy 16:17


Benefits of giving

  1. Curses are averted. Genesis 8:8,21
  2. It guarantees divine protection. Psalm 20:1-3


In conclusion,

  • Until blessings enter your life, you cannot be rich. Acts 3:26
  • Until iniquities are turned, dignities cannot be restored.