May 30, 2022



What is Financial Favour?

  1. Having no financial concern at all. Revelation 3:17, 1Peter 5:7, Deuteronomy 12:10, 11:10-12
  2. Having all your needs met by the glory and His blessings. All needs are meetable depending on your source or your concerns. Philippians 4:19, Ephesians 1:3. God has the capacity to meet all needs and all wants, at the same time. Proverbs 10:22.
  3. In the covenant, we do not get anything by all means; but by God’s means. Jeremiah 17:3
  4. You cannot enjoy financial fortune without the covenant of abundance in place. Jeremiah 17:11, Deuteronomy 8:17-18, Zechariah 4

What is a covenant?

  1. A covenant is a spiritual platform where we commit God by our obedience of faith to make good His promises. Hebrews 6:13-14, Genesis 22:16-18,
  2. There is something you do that triggers what God can do. Genesis 8:22. We must be conscious that there is something at the other end of our obedience to God’s covenant.
  3. A covenant is as valid as day and night

Avenues through which we receive returns for our obedience. Luke 6:38

Let giving not grieve you, because you are not giving in vain, but you are giving to gain.

  1. The ground does not need you as much as you need the ground to multiply your seed.
  2. The church is the ground you need to multiply your seed. 1Kings 3:4-5
  3. Give joyfully. Joel 1:11-12. Offense is a weed, it will choke your harvest. There are certain things in life that cannot be moved. He is the ‘I AM that I AM even without you. Hebrews 12:28

How does God respond?

  1. Through the blessings of God. Malachi 3:10. Your bringing is a key to your blessings. Proverbs 10:22
  2. Through supernatural favour. It ends emptiness. The only way to end emptiness in your life is to introduce the element of favour.
  3. Through priestly blessings. The priests are the authorised agents that can disburse God’s blessings. Number 6:25-27
  4. Through the rain of divine ideas. Genesis 30:31-33,37-43
  5. Through parental blessings. Do not get your parents offended, honour them. Ephesians 6:3. There are certain covenant blessings connected to taking care of your parents. There are some blessings that cannot die with your parents. Genesis 27:1.
  6. Bringing and blessing is a mystery you cannot ignore.

Keys to operating in the realm of new dawn

New dawn here connotes opening of new chapters. Isaiah 42:9-10, Matthew 20:6-7. In this commission we operate under the covenant of having no better yesterday. Proverbs 4:18. Light is what signals new dawn. Psalm 119:105, The word is the light. Psalm 119:130, 2 Corinthians 3:18

  1. Be born again. Certain things are available, they are not without, but within. Mark 4:11, Romans 5:9
  2. Be baptised in the Holy Ghost. Receive that personality that can usher you forward in life. John14:16-17,26
  3. Remain in love with God, Love ensures that nothing is lost in your life, it is a system that makes things work together for you and for your good
  4. Be committed to searching the scriptures and put all your discoveries to work. James 1:22,25
  5. Be committed to regular attendance of fellowship for continuous encounter with Christ. Hebrews 10:24-25, Psalm 73:17
  6. Be committed to kingdom advancement endeavours as a lifestyle. Psalm 102:13,15

Be committed to a lifestyle of praise. No matter what is happening in the society, keep praising God. Habakkuk 3:18-19, 1Thessalonians 5:18, Hebrews 10:36