May 18, 2022


Beginning Statements

Financial settlement is a function of balanced financial education from God’s accredited teaching priest. Matt. 28:15

Financial education has 3 dimensions:

  • The making of money
  • The managing of money
  • The multiplication of money

It takes practicing kingdom advancement for money to multiply in your hands.

A passionate pursuit for God and the interest of His kingdom is key to a world of supernatural abundance. Ps. 34:10. You can’t seek God and suffer lack and want.

God’s prosperity plan only answers to kingdom practice. We must play our part to commit God’s integrity to perform. Ps. 89:34-35.

God’s prosperity plan is not a promise but a covenant. His prosperity plan does not answer to fasting and prayer but kingdom practice. Until you play your part, God is not committed to play His part. Psalm 89:34-35

It is covenant practice that makes a believer to soar high in the midst of lack and want. Anything that takes God’s place in your life will definitely pull you down. Job 36:11

Understanding of the covenant is the starting point in entering into your stewardship of prosperity. God’s covenant is the strongest force in the universe. Jere. 33:20-21

Kingdom wealth is the function of the flow of kingdom power. Financial dominion is God taking care of you.

It is the scripture that holds the key to our inheritance in Christ.

Scriptural discovery is the highway to financial dominion.


What is a covenant?

A covenant is a spiritual platform where we commit God by our obedience of faith to make good of His promise. Jer. 33:20-21

It takes the obedience of faith for your seed to deliver. You must have knowledge of the word of God for your seed to produce for you. James 1:22

It is only covenant practitioners that enjoy financial dominion. Your revelation of the Word of God must be put to work before you see the manifestation. Josh. 1:8. Be a kingdom practitioner to have a stable financial life.

You’re not in-charge of bringing the harvest, but you are in-charge of bringing the seed.

The covenant of abundance puts us in command of all prevailing circumstances. Ps. 33:18-19; Ps. 37:18-19


Terms of the covenant

  1. Kingdom promotion sacrifice. 1 Chron. 29:3-5

Sacrifice is giving and going beyond your best. There is no star without a scar.

Sacrifice is going beyond being diligent. Heb. 12:12-13

For you to make an outstanding mark, you must be willing to pay an outstanding price.

If you must break records, then your body must feel it.

  1. Doing good to all men. 1 Jhn. 4:20; 1 Jhn. 2:9

It is the blessing you release that commands financial fortune, not the volume of your possession.

Light does not make noise in its quest to dominate darkness.

It is risky to take the things of God for granted, and those who take things of God for granted remain grounded. Rev. 22:2

Giving is the anchor for commanding financial fortune. It is a non-negotiable key to a world of financial fortune.

Selfishness places a limit in your life. It is the capacity of your seed that determines the amount of wealth God will give you.

Benefits of covenant practice

  1. It procures favour. Ps. 35:27; Ps. 102:13-15
  2. It guarantees supernatural fruitfulness. Gen. 18:1-10

Fruitfulness is a validation that God is with you. Your seed is a deposit in your spiritual account.

What is settlement?

Settlement means all-round rest. It is being given all that is rightfully yours.

Keys to all-round settlement

  1. Return back to God
  2. Serve God with all your heart