May 18, 2022


Beginning statements

  1. Financial settlement is a function of balanced financial education from God’s accredited teaching priest. There is a lesson to learn. Matt. 28:15. Anytime you are looking for money you must look for teachings to help you preserve the money.


Financial education has 3 dimensions:

  • The making of money
  • The managing of money
  • The multiplication of money

Many know how to make money, few know how to manage it.

You make money by obedience. Obedience is key to abundance. Deut. 28:15; Gen. 13:2; 22:16-18. In the covenant, to make money, you must be given to obedience. Gen. 26:5. The moment you disregard His law, making money is far from you.

You manage money by accountability. Luke 16:1-3. Those who aren’t accountable will lose their credibility. Many people make money by begging, but you can’t manage money by begging

You multiply money by investment. Luke 19:13. You make money by spiritual laws and you manage money by physical laws. Luke 19:15-19. You must put money into something that makes money.

  1. The covenant is the gateway to financial fortune in the kingdom. Deut. 8:18.
  2. Financial fortune is having money & no financial issues. Financial fortune is having money, being restful in financial matters, enjoying financial comfort, having all your needs met.
  3. The covenant is kingdom-governmental relational systems with principles, practices and policies that govern events and activities. 2 Chron. 15:12-15
  4. A covenant is a deal enacted by God, based on well-defined terms and sealed with an oath. Heb. 6:12-18. God is not a breaker of covenant. Ps 89:34. The covenant, from God’s standpoint has no room for forgetfulness. Exo. 2:24.
  5. The covenant of abundance puts us in command of all prevailing economic circumstances – scarcity, lack, poverty, unlimited supplies, insufficiency, etc. Gen. 47:15-27, Ps. 33:18&19, Ps. 37:19. There’s time to sow. Famine is a season of scarcity of food, lack and shortage. Gen. 8:22. Things are never plenty in famine.
  6. You should be able to differentiate, in the time of famine between food and seed. Ps. 112:2-3. If you eat your seed, you have lost your future. Isa. 55:10. We get seeds from the word.

We get discernment from The Word  to know when to eat and when to sow. 2 Cor. 9:8-11

If it is not enough for eating, it is best for sowing. Mark 4:26-29. Seed is always small, but when sown, it becomes great. Mark 4:31-32

Ask yourself the question,  “Where is my seed”?

Gen. 47:23-25. Seed sowing always guarantees increase, but consumption is deduction.

If you cook your seed, it will die, but if you sow it, it will die but bring forth fruit. Jhn 12:25. It is the seed on the ground that brings forth.

Terms of the covenant of abundance – Prov. 11:24-26. Where do I plant my seed?

  1. Kingdom promotion sacrifices. 1 Chron. 29:3-4

How is your seed benefitting kingdom welfare collectively? Luke 7:1-4.

What is that thing you have done that God remembers you for? Luke 16:16

What is the kingdom enjoying from you? 2 Chron. 24:1, 4, 11

It doesn’t start with money, it starts with the mind. Luke 17:21.

  1. Doing good to all men. All men, irrespective of gender, race and tribe are God’s image. Gen. 1:26; Gal. 6:3, 9; Rom. 15:1-3. Hatred does more harm to the hater than to the hated! 1 Jhn. 2:9-11; 1 Jhn. 3:14-18.

Riches don’t last forever. Prov. 27:24; 1 Thess. 5:14; Eph. 6:8

Benefits of covenant practice

  1. It procures favour. Acts 7:9-10; Gen 41:55-57; Psalm 30:5-7.

What is settlement?

All-round rest; no evil anywhere. 1 Kings 5:4; Jere. 32:14-17. Suffering is for a while, not forever. 1 Peter 5:10, Luke 4:18.