August 29, 2021




Let’s understand that an encounter with the word of God is the master key to a world of all round settlement.

Psalm 119:29 if you want to be settled on the earth, go for the settled Word that comes from Heaven.

Psalm 105:19; the second effect of the settled word in a man’s life is deliverance from satanic oppression. The third effect of the settled word of God in man’s life is that his level changes; the third effect gives us control and authority in every situation and over our lives and assignment.

Psalm 105:3.

Many people today are not settled, including Christians, and they happen for these 3 reasons – 2 Chronicles 15:3

  1. Disconnection from God. The word says, ‘come unto me ye who labour and are heavy laden, for I will give you rest’. Another word for settlement is rest.

  2. Ignorance without a teaching priest. Not just a priest, but a teaching priest. 2 Chronicles 15:3. Revelation is the way out of every restlessness. Matthew 11:29. 1 Corinthians 10:13. The way of escape, which gives rest, comes from revelation.

  3. The absence of Law. Lawlessness. No respect for God. No respect for HIS prophecy. No respect for HIS commandments. No respect for His precepts. No respect for His Order. 2 Chronicles 15:3

The journey to financial abundance begins with understanding and application. Knowledge is information. Understanding is comprehension. Wisdom is application. Until you understand and apply the Word of God, you can’t be settled. If you want God to settle you, stop running after bread, befriend the Baker.

Psalm 16:4- some come to church very judiciously, but their hearts are after money.

1 Peter 5:10 – make this statement with faith, ‘GOD will settle me today!’.

Ezekiel 36:11 we serve a GOD of divine settlement.

The journey into financial settlement begins with the settlement of your soul. 3 John 1:2. The journey to abundance begins with the mouth.

Let’s understand something from this passage, pay attention! Acts 20:32. According to God’s order of prosperity, what you are not built for, he will not give to you. God will never bless you beyond your spiritual maturity. Daniel 5:27. Now know this, in this life we pray for money and financial open doors, but GOD weighs our capacity. While men are praying, Heaven is weighing!

The keys to financial settlement is sound management. Whatever you face today is to check if you can manage more, Genesis 2:5; where there is mismanagement, GOD withholds increase. In Matthew 25:16, he that received 5 talents went and traded with it, and when he multiplied it he traded it some more. That’s compound interest. That’s management. When you trade more, you get more.


Wisdom keys to financial settlement.

  1. Be a giver. Gods’ wisdom for increase comes after sowing. Proverbs 11:24. God’s wisdom for increase is to scatter. When you make yourself a giver, you are on the road for abundance. Isaiah 55:10, The cure for poverty is liberality. It is light, it takes light to enjoy plenty. In your present resources, are your advancement into the next level. So, how you manage them will determine how high you advance. 2 Corinthians 8:1, here in this passage, it was a grace that was visible, and what was this grace? The riches of their liberality. The best time to sow is in famine season, Genesis 26:12-14.

  2. Develop a spending plan. Have a budget. A good manager manages available resources. Hear this, that money God gave you is a test, if you waste it, you will keep lacking financially. The best way to capture is to record. If you want to enjoy abundance, have financial discipline. The money is not the problem, your planning is the problem. Genesis 18:1-5, Abraham was a wise manager. When he had the 3 visitors, he prepared a meal for them, measured the meal accurately to avoid waste. Management avoids waste. Waste is an enemy of financial advancement and settlement. If you want to be like Abraham, practice Abraham’s management skill.

Proverbs 21:5; sit down to plan your expenses. Diligently plan. Eccl 7:27. If you want to be rich, fight your appetite. Discipline your stomach.

  1. Embrace Savings. If your salary is 100,00, with your tithe, offering and personal expenses, you spend 80,000; you will be able to save 20,000 – that’s good. Proverbs 21:20. When you spend all, the bible says you are foolish! Luke 15:15-18, When you spend all, your famine starts. It is foolishness to spend all, SAVE! It is wisdom to save 20% of everything that comes to you, not just your salary, even your other blessings. Genesis 41:30-34; Genesis 8:22

  2. Avoid Debts and Surety. Debt is any money or property that you are obligated to pay to another person. Loan and guaranty can clear one’s financial destiny. Proverbs 22:7; Deuteronomy 28:12 ‘ Thou shall lend, not borrow!’

Psalms 37:11 – The wicked borrowed and payeth not again, the righteous remember his debts and has mercy. God does not bless wicked people, and a borrower that refuses to pay is a wicked person. Don’t act as a surety for anyone. Proverbs 17:18; 22:26-27; why would you take medicine for another man’s sickness?

  1. Turn oil into vessels. When your salary comes, you consume some, you sow some, you save/invest a part of it. If you save 20,000 every month, that’s 240,000 in a year of 12 months. 2 Kings 4:1, here oil is liquidity, vessel is solidity; turn the liquidity into the solidity. Turn your savings into your assets. Turn liquidity into solidity. Turn liabilities into assets, before they reduce to nothing.

  2. Be contented. 1 Timothy 6:6-8. If you have food, clothing and housing; every other thing is Jara! Learn to like what you have. Having more does not guaranty happiness. People buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people that don’t like them. That is the definition of depression!!!