July 11, 2021



There are two categories of people in the marketplace of life. Genesis 25:23. Rebeccah was pregnant and she went to God for counselling; the Lord said unto her that two nations were in her womb and one of them would be stronger than the other. What makes the difference in the twins is their manners. In every nation of the earth, these two sets of people are in the marketplace – Esau and Jacob. The younger shall be stronger than the elder, Gen. 25:27. The Esaus of this world are hunters – they go hunting for jobs. Esau represents employees, they go for salary. Esau was a man of the field, a waka-about. Jacob on the other hand dwelt in tents. Jacobs are people that reason, develop ideas and start businesses, they are employers. The Esaus use strength, the Jacobs use sense.

Salary can never make you rich, it is business that brings progress, prosperity and relevance in life. It can keep you alive, but can never make you rich. The list of the wealthiest men on earth today are entrepreneurs. In Gen. 25:29-30, we can see that the ones that have business feed the ones that are paid salaries. It is employers that feed employees. The one that went out was fed by the one that was at home. It is not where you go that matters, it is what you can do (Gen. 25:30).

If you are sacked, do not remain in the sack! The Jews today are the most productive businessmen on earth. Most high-tech businesses today have Jewish origins. The Jews are basically business owners (Gen. 46:31-34). Business owners end up as rulers, salary earners end up as slaves (Gen. 46:27, Gen. 47:3-6). Our heavenly father is a businessman (Luke 2:49). After 2000 years, God is the greatest businessman of all times (John. 12:24).

What is Business?

  1. Business is whatever you are doing to enjoy increase or progress in life. Nothing pays you like your business 1 Thess 4:11-12. Your business is your handwork! Inside your business is your sufficiency (1 Thess 4:12).

  2. Business is an organizational entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities.

  3. Business means to be busy meeting the needs of people.

Many people are in business and are frustrated. If you make profiting your motive for going into business, you will be frustrated. The baseline for business is quality service, while profit comes as a reward. In Luke 8:1-3, Jesus was going from village to village preaching the gospel; service was the motive, offering was the profit. Prov. 27:23. As a Pastor, give your members quality care, be concerned about their welfare, Prov. 27:26-27.

Outstanding breakthroughs in business is rooted in divine secrets, Isaiah 48:17. If God teaches you, you cannot make loss (Isaiah 48:17). Trading divine secrets is what leads to outstanding breakthroughs in business (Ezekiel 31:6-7). Insight is what guarantees business heights! Ezekiel 31:3-9.

Secrets for Business Breakthroughs

  1. Have the right business mindset (mentality). Business is a risk, that is why many people do not want to do business. If you are doing business according to God’s Word, you will not fail (1 John 5:4). Whatever is from God – ideas or business from God, will succeed. If you are trading it from scriptures, it has a future, because there is a man backing the Word (Isaiah 55:11). When you engage the Word, prosperity becomes the order. The mindset I need to carry is in Gen. 2:15. Your garden is what you are born to do. Adam was wired by God to handle the garden so he didn’t need training. Education will give you schooling, your gift is what will bring you greatness. Gifting is superior to schooling! Many are decreasing because of their degrees! Do not let your degrees deceive you. Business begins by discovering your garden, that is what you are wired for. Matt. 25:15. There is no gift-less person. Some have 5s, some 2s and some 1s. Everyman has a garden. The reason why you are suffering is because you have ignored your garden. What can you do to offer service to people is what brings about business, not the money you have. SOS 1:6. The place you are working is somebody’s vineyard. What do you have to offer that will end your suffering? That is your vineyard. God did not spend money to create this world, it was thoughts and ideas.

  2. Be creative and innovative. Business breakthroughs answer to the value you bring to the marketplace. You need strategic thinking and approach to take over the market. The difference between the ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist was innovation. Luke 1:80, Luke 2:40. Jesus was developing his brain and capacity. John the Baptist did not give attention to his mental growth. Luke 2:52. Wisdom and creativity were the differences between Jesus and John. Strategy, no temptation!

Isaac’s secret was that he was a deep thinker, he meditated, Gen. 24:63. Gen. 26:1-4. God will not think for you. In Gen. 26:12, Isaac sowed. Isaac, out of strategic thinking went into farming for a year because he found water. Strategic thinking turned Isaac (who ordinarily was a cattle rearer) to a farmer, for a season.

  1. Have the best form of customer service. Rev. 5:10. If God makes you a King, a King over what? Priesthood talks about your spiritual life. Kingship is about your business life. You are to rule in the business or marketplace. How do you rule as a King? Eccl. 5:9. What crowns you King in the marketplace is your field, that is your customer base. Customer base answers to value of service. When you give quality value, customers will come. Increase your quality!

How do I get a good customer Base?

Leviticus 19:18. Put yourself in their shoes. What you won’t take, don’t give people. Use yourself as a yardstick. Love your neighbour as yourself.

  1. Treat your staff well. Some of us are profit conscious but staff deficient! Deut. 24:15 . Pay your staff what is fair, what is due to them. Lev. 19:13. Do not use people and dump them. Add value to them. When you take care of them, they will take care of that business.