June 21, 2021




Let us understand once again that the scripture is forever superior to your situation. Never accept your negative condition as your portion. If it’s not in the Scriptures, it’s not your portion, Romans 4:17

God speaks in past tenses because there was a conclusion before that condition. Your condition came late! John 1:1; Genesis 1:1 – The Holy Spirit opened my eyes that in the beginning was the solution. The solution existed before the problem. We have a covenant of fruitfulness with God. The covenant of fruitfulness is so powerful that God extended it to your livestock (Deuteronomy 7:13).

The first blessing that God prescribed to mankind was the blessing of fruitfulness (Genesis 1:28). If God says be fruitful, then you and I are seedful. It takes seed to get fruits. It means the capacity is there. This also implies that fruitfulness is not a suggestion, it is a commandment. Another thing to deduce from this scripture is that fruitfulness is a process; go through the process by turning your seedfulness into fruitfulness.

In 2 Peter 1:4, God’s Word transmits God’s nature and life into our system that empowers us for fruitfulness. Hebrews 11:7. The day you believe is the day you conceive. Everyone believing God for fruitfulness, you are receiving power for fruitfulness in Jesus’ name. God’s Word transmits God’s data into our system that empowers us for fruitfulness (Heb. 11:11).

Nothing changes your life like personal visitation or revelation. Sarah’s faith used to be tied to the faith of Abraham because she had no personal encounter with God, until Genesis 18:7-10 where her personal faith grew because she heard directly from God.

I pray you hear God directly. God spoke and she heard! That makes us to understand that the real challenge they had was not Abraham, it was Sarah. That was why God had to visit her personally. It was when Sarah received the word that she conceived. It was her faith in God that gave her a baby. John 1:12 – What you believe is what you become.

It is definition that precedes destination; so we need to know what fruitfulness is.

What is Fruitfulness?

Fruitfulness means producing or being capable of producing offsprings. It also means to be productive, to be fertile. It also means producing good results.

From scriptures, there are basically three types of fruitfulness:

  1. Fruitfulness of the body – Deuteronomy 28:10. This has to do with children.

  2. Fruitfulness of the cattle – Deuteronomy 28:4. This talks about your business and your career.

  3. Fruitfulness of the Spirit. John 15:1-5;16

How do I Move from Barrenness Into Fruitfulness?

  1. Place spiritual laws above physical laws. Genesis 1:1; rephrase that scripture ‘in the beginning God created the spiritual and the physical’; the Spiritual controls the physical. This means there are natural laws and there are spiritual laws. Science controls physical laws while revelation (faith) controls spiritual laws. In Science, the law of gravity proved for a long time that metallic objects cannot stay in the air, it will always come down. However, Scientists later on discovered the law of upthrust. When you operate in the law of upthrust, the law of gravity is suspended, and that is the law that keeps an aeroplane flying. Upthrust suspended gravity. So also, medical science operates on natural laws. The spiritual law is the law of faith, Romans 3:27. There’s only one law that governs the kingdom of God, it is the LAW OF Faith. Faith is believing in God’s words. That is why the bible says, “the just shall live by faith”. Follow the law of faith if you want to be fruitful, Isaiah 55:9. When we operate the laws of God we call it faith. When faith is in place, science is displaced. Science is limited, look at what the Bible says about science in Colossians 2:8, 1Timothy 6:20 -21. Science and faith do not work together. Science is the opposite of faith. You either go by science or you go by faith, Job 13:4-5 ; Psalms 112:2

In Jeremiah 1:5, there is a pre-womb existence of children. Children are spiritual gifts, they are with God in Heaven. In Genesis 2:7; the real you is a spirit and resides with God in heaven. Children are Spirits and because they are, they don’t need biology to manifest, Psalm 123:4 , Exodus 23:26. God visits a person before conception takes place. God does naming ceremony before the woman takes in, Luke 1:13, Luke 1:31.

Ruth 4:13 , The Lord gave Ruth conception not the husband.. That’s why Sarah at her age could give birth, that’s why Elizabeth at her age could also give birth. That’s why a virgin could give birth! Ecclesiastes 11:5. You can’t programme God, just have faith.

  1. Be joyful. Isaiah 54:1. When you are barren, especially when you have not had children before, the natural tendency is to cry at every comment or thought. In the natural, barrenness brings sorrow and crying. For the Spiritual to end Barrenness, you must go back to singing and rejoicing. Isaiah 54:1 take note of this, ” Rejoice and sing aloud, for more are the children of desolate (the barren) than the children of the married wife”. Your problem is not the children, your problem is how to bring them to your womb; and to bring them down you have to sing up.
    Joel 1:12. Whatever steals your joyfulness is after your fruitfulness.
    Isaiah 61:3, you are a tree of righteousness, the planting of the Lord. Whatever steals your joy, destroys your fruitfulness. Rejoice!! Sing! 1Samuel 1:14-15
    &18 ” And Hannah went home, and her countenance was no more sad”. When she was sorrowful God gave no answers, but when she was joyful God remembered her and gave her the fruit of the womb. Embrace the seed of rejoicing. Numbers 17:1-8, a dead seed brought forth fruit, no matter how dead a seed is, when brought to the presence of God, fruitfulness emanates”. 

  1. Prepare for your miracle children. Until men are prepared, God does not appear. Genesis 2:5; anywhere there is no preparation, God withholds blessing. Isaiah 54:2, verse 1 talks about joy, verses 2 & 3 talk about preparation. You can only prepare for what you are expecting. Expect and prepare.

  2. Embrace Kingdom Service. If you look at Psalms 127:3, children are the heritage of the Lord; God is the baby maker. Psalms 100:3. And how do you position yourself to receive the gift of the womb from the Lord? It is through service to His Kingdom. Exodus 23:26. The Bible says in Luke 1, ‘God said Elizabeth and her husband were blameless’, yet they didn’t have children’ then we see that that did not prevent the husband from serving the Lord his God. He was serving his Lord when the Angel visited him and told him that God has answered his prayers. Look at what God said, John 15:16; go first for spiritual children, go and bring forth fruits.

  1. Be Hospitable. You can connect to supernatural fruitfulness by being hospitable, just like Abraham and Sarah. 2Kings 4:13; Ephesians 6:8. Try this secret, if you are looking for the fruit of the womb, anytime you hear a neighbor or member is doing child christening, rejoice with them and give gifts. Give gifts to orphanages. There are many ways to be hospitable. Rejoice means Register for your Joy!

Truth shows you what to do, Grace empowers you to do it, Luke 1:35