BREAKING GENERATIONAL CURSES: Understanding the reality of curses 2 – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

July 5, 2021
BREAKING GENERATIONAL CURSES: Understanding the reality of curses 2 - Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

Deliverance is spiritual, freedom is mental.

God has delivered you from curses, but you need to know the truth for you to be delivered. There are things God will deliver you from, but they will still remain in your life. Jn 11:43

Salvation gives you freedom, but you will do the loosing. Rm. 12:2 You are the one that will change your mindset. If your mind is not renewed, you cannot enjoy the freedom that comes from salvation Phil 2: 13


What is Generation? GENE -RATION

Generation means the ration you collected from the gene of your father

The ration of gene that you collected from your father that is working in you. For instance:

  1. Jonathan Edwards, born in 1727, had 11 children, preached a classy sermon – sinners in the hand of an angry God. A E Windshild, tracked down 1400 children who were descendants and his findings show 285 graduates, 300 Teachers, 65 College Profs, 30 Judges, 55 Physicians, 80 Public servants, 3 United States governors, 1 Vice president etc.

  2. The Kennedy family JFK 1950. All his 4 children had tragic deaths.

Gen 12:3, Curses bring people under stagnation, curses bring hardship. When God met Abraham at 75, Abraham was not blessed, he was a nonentity, Ex 20:25. Because of Abraham’s lineage, he was under a curse. Gen. 25:20-26. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all had children in their old age. Also looking at the lineage of Abraham, all their first sons did not excel, they lived a mediocre life.

One thing about curses is that, curses usually come in patterns. Curses are real. Josh 24:2 Ex 20:25. For any curse, to have effect, there must be a cause, Prov 26:2. If there is no legal right for a curse to work, then it will not stand.


What are curses?

  1. Curses are usually released through pronouncements.

  2. Curses can be placed on individuals, families, cities, nations and things.

  3. Curses are opposites of blessings. While blessings advance and increase people, curses reduce and stagnate people. Gen 49:3.

  4. Curses are invisible hand directing the affairs of a person and the family, and this brings about limitations and barriers.

  5. Curses bring evil events to pass, while blessings bring good things to pass.

  6. Curses are vehicles which bring evil events to pass, Judges 6:26, 1 Kings 16:34

The primary source of curses is disobedience. Deut. 28:1-2, 16-65

Obedience provokes blessings, disobedience provokes curses, Deut. 28:15


Broad patterns of Curses

  1. Generational Curses Deut. 27:15

  1. Idolatry, Ex 20:25

  2. Disrespect for parents, Deut. 27:16, Eph. 6:1-3

  3. Treachery against your neighbour, Deut. 27:17, Prov. 17:13

  4. Injustice and oppression of the weak or poor, Deut. 27:18

  5. Unnatural sex and incest Deut. 27:21-23

  6. Assassination of persons and a person’s character, Deut. 27:24-25

  7. Dependent on your flesh or human connections Jer. 17:5-6; when you depend so much on human connections, it can result in a curse, Ex. 20:3

  8. Stealing or forgery, Zech. 5:1

  9. Keeping graven images in your house, Deut. 7:25-26

  10. Be careful of the people you make your business partners, Ex. 23:32

How do we break curses?

  1. Observe your life to see if these things are evident in your life.

  2. Total repentance and rededication of your life back to God.

  3. Supplication, Heb. 4:16

  4. Go for revelation, John 8:32, Rm 11:15-17, John 15:1-5

  5. Walk in obedience, Deut. 28:1-14

  6. Declare your release, Prov. 18:21

  7. Embrace kingdom service, Ex. 23:25