October 10, 2021


  1. God’s word is loaded with wonders. Psalm 119:18. The word of God is the Law.

  2. Jesus is the living word of God. John 1:1-5,14 & Revelation 19:13

  3. His name is Wonderful. Wonder-Full Isaiah 9:6

  4. Every great thing in life is a product of the Word. Hebrews 1:3, Psalm 136:4-9

  5. God’s word runs God’s errands on earth. Psalm 147:15,18 & Psalm 107:20, Matthew 8:8

  6. What you do with the word determines what it will produce for you. If you do nothing with it, it will produce nothing, if you do something with it, it will produce something, if you do careless things with it, it will produce careless results. Whatever you do with the word of God will give you the exact same results. If you do not want to be deceived, gladly receive the word. Hebrews 4:1-12. Acts 2:37,40 – 41.

  7. Everything mighty is made by the word of God, Acts 19:20, Col 3:16 Everything mighty is mighty by the word. So let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching, in songs and hymns Psalm 148:5. Anything can be made if you find the word that makes it.

  8. Anything God can do is done by the word. Luke 4:18-22,32,36. You must find the word so that it can continue to exist. Luke 4:18, 21-23

  9. God’s word is exalted above God’s name. Psalm138:2. If you are driving a car without tyres, you can’t go far even if the car has fuel. 1Samuel 48:21

  10. God’s word can never be equated with man’s word 1Thessalonians2:13, Matthew 7:28-29


2 Major things you find in the word.

  1. The Word of God has the ability, tenacity to produce whatever it says. Isaiah 55:10-11.

What do you do with the prophetic word? Receive it, believe it and declare it. John 1:12, Psalm 81:10-14, Luke 1:45, Isaiah 14:24. There is a vow on the word of God that it must come to pass. PsalmWhat do you do with the prophetic word? Receive it, believe it and declare it. John 1:12, Psalm 81:10-14, Luke 1:45, Isaiah 14:24. There is a vow on the word of God that it must come to pass. Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35. 119:89, Matthew 24:35.

  1. There is transformational capacity in the Word. It can form anything. Romans 12:2. How does this come? it comes by walking in the light of the Word. Isaiah 60:1-3,8,22 Walking in the light of scriptures changes our lives. John 12:35, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 5:8.

Using the Word of God to pattern your life; that is walking in the light. For instance, when you do not have a good relationship with your neighbour, refer to the Word of God which says, follow peace with all men.

How do I walk in the word?

  1. Be at peace with all men. Matthew 18:7

  2. Do not yield to offenses. Luke 17:1, Matthew 18:7. Have a conscience void of offences. Acts 24:16. Offence is not about you, but it is out to make the word of God of no effect. Mark 4:17


How do I tap into the wonders in the word?

  1. Prayer and Fasting. It breaks darkness and brings forth light. Isaiah 58:6 – 8, Luke 22:53, Eph. 6:12, 2Cor. 4:4, Ps. 74:20, Acts 74:20, Acts 13: 2-3

  2. You must respond quickly to every light encountered. Genesis 12:1-4, John 13:27. Delayed response leads to denied access.


Why do we need to escape?

  1. We live in an embattled world. 2Corinthians 10: 3-4

  2. We live in a wicked world, wickedness everywhere. 1John5:19, Matthew 6:34

  3. We are exposed to daily troubles. Matthew 8:34.

  4. We need a superior spiritual technology to be free. John 10:10.


5 Covenant steps to escape

  1. Salvation. Hebrews 2:3, Luke 11:35

  2. Keep walking in the light of the word. Eph 5:8

  3. Stay in love with God. Roman 8:28,31

  4. You must keep your faith alive by constantly feeding on the word. Ephesians 6:16

  5. You must keep serving God and the interest of His kingdom. Daniel 6:16,20

Until your life is in Christ, your life will remain in crisis.