September 27, 2021


If godliness is profitable, that means ungodliness is costly. If you are alive and healthy, you decide to start indulging in smoking and drinking, gradually you are prone to destruction of your body. Genesis 1:26.

God created you in His capacity, hence if God can be holy, so can you.


The costs of ungodliness

  1. Ungodliness paralyzes our access to supernatural breakthroughs. Sin paralyses mentality. Anytime we sin, we are being reduced, particularly, our mentality. Sin will not allow you to have access to God. Psalm 25:14. And it takes secrets to breakthrough in life, Isaiah 60:1. Access to secrets is access to light, and access to light is access to revelation. Isaiah 60:22. You may look like nothing today but, when God leads you, you become again, a nation in one man. People will benefit from you, and these people will grow to feed others. Sin will put you in perpetual darkness. When you are in sin, you can’t see God, and when you can’t see God, you can’t have access to light. Job 1:8-9, Job 5:16. When you carry sin, you can’t move fast because sin is a weight.

  2. It destroys destiny. Satan is a destroyer looking for your destiny to destroy. Anytime there is a hunger for sin, beware because it is the devil who wants to steal from you. Proverbs 16:18. Pride is not good, it will bring you down. One of the things that sponsors sin is pride. Pride will lead you to destruction. Daniel 4:30-33; whenever you give anything, God first gave that thing to you, as every good thing comes from God. Daniel 4:33. Never take God’s glory. 1 Cor. 10:8.


What are the demands of Godliness?

  1. Genuine repentance. If you are ready to live righteous, it is possible, but there is a price you must be ready to pay.

  2. You must be praying and craving for the enduement of the Spitit of Holiness. Romans 1:4 you need to be baptised with the holy ghost to destroy the things of sin. Sin smells, it stinks.

  3. Stop evil thoughts in order to stop evil acts. Proverbs 4:23. Your thought determines your action. Matthew 7:21. Sinful thoughts start from the mind. How do you guide your thought, you mind what you think. James 1:13, mind what you hear, mind the company you keep, because when you indulge these things, you are prone to committing sin.

Sin smells, it stinks.


What is favour

  1. You can pay to be rich, you can pay for labour, but you can’t pay for favour. When you carry the favour of God, it makes people to like you. 1 Chronicles 28:4

  2. It means to be preferred.

  3. Gaining access to the things you require. Favour is more than what you deserve. You may not have a qualification, but God will qualify you. But to enjoy favour, you must be born again. Mercy must go before favour will follow. And to have favour, you need the blood. Genesis 30:30