Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1 – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

May 30, 2021
Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1 - Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

TOPIC: Understanding the Wonders of Thanksgiving, 3A.

SUB-THEME: Wisdom for Possessing your Promised land Part 1

Life itself is a journey, and by redemption, God has ordained us for continuous progress. Prov. 4:18. Next level connotes advancement or progress. It talks about assessing our next phase of Glory, next phase of lifting. In order for us to move forward, it is wisdom to consider the journey so far. Num 33:1-10. Here, the children of Israel embarked on a journey from Egypt up to the border of the land of promise. It was a long 40-year journey. God told Moses to keep a diary and record every step of the journey.

There are reasons why we need to Praise God:

1. In Num. 33:1, God said to Moses, write down the journeys of the children of Israel. He recorded their journey by stages. In order words, Moses began from when they left Egypt, and at every point in which they had moved – God told him to record their going out – that means progress; not their coming in. Stop complaining about your destination, thank God for your acceleration. You may not have arrived your destination, but look back and appreciate your acceleration. It is wisdom to keep record of your progress.

2. Despite the presence of the enemy, you still moved. Your movement was not by your strength, there was an invisible hand that moved you. In Num 33:3-4, they went out with a mighty hand. The same day the Israelites were moving to their promised land, the same day their enemies were burying their children. The enemy suffered them, but could not stop them. Thank God because despite your enemy’s presence, you have moved. Ps. 23:5. There are too many things God did that you are not aware of, but are very meaningful to be thankful for.

3. In Num 33:8, the children of Israel got to a critical point in their journey. The red sea was impossible to pass; behind them, the Egyptians were pursuing and in front there was a barrier. In Exodus 14, God parted the red sea and the children of Israel worked through the red sea. Your red sea signifies a very difficult moment of your life, like a Doctor’s verdict, accidents that God saw you through and did not consume you, etc. Things you face and wonder if you would be able to survive it, but by the hand of God, you survived it.

4. Appreciate the strange order of divine provision since the year began. In Num. 33:8,11 God gave them water and then manna. From January to date, we have enjoyed strange supernatural order of provision – the grace of God in divine provision.

It took the children of Israel 500 years from when they were in captivity till they stepped foot in the promised land (Gen. 15:13). Exodus 12:21 – the children of Israel left Egypt after 430 years. They spent 40 years in the wilderness, and another 40 years when they were disobedient to God. After stepping into the promised land, Gilgal was the first city they stepped in. Joshua 5:1-15.

What is the significance of Gilgal?

God was intentional in bringing His people into the land of Gilgal, after crossing Jordan. God was telling them, He had closed Jordan and they cannot go back, so the only way for them was to move forward! To enter your next level, you must carry next level mentality. The reason why some of us are not entering our next level is because we have not burnt the bridge behind us. The journey to your next level begins with possessing the next level mentality. Prov. 23:7. My advancement to my next level is a must, it is not negotiable. God brought them to a point wherein they could not go back. Next level begins with the vision of where you want to go . What are you seeing? Gen. 13:14-15. It is what you see that God gives. Gen. 13:17, God told Abraham to walk through the land. There are two things that take you to the next level – vision and action. Vision without action is frustration. Some people have a vision, but do not move.

What is significance of God taking them to Gilgal?

God taking them to Gilgal was for a purpose. 1 Sam. 11:14. Gilgal is a place of renewal. It is a place of revival. It is a place of preparation. According to God’s agenda, it is preparation that precedes possession. Whatever you are not prepared for, Heaven cannot give you.

2 Kings 2:1. Gilgal means a wheel, turnaround, rolling away. In summary, Gilgal is a place where you prepare to roll away every obstacle that will prevent you from your next level, and a place you prepare to enter your next level. Mark 2:22. In order to enter your next level, you need renewal. If you want to see next level prepare spiritually. What you don’t prepare for never appears. In Matt 5:1, Jesus saw the multitude and went into the mountain for preparation, then He determined when the next level comes. There are things that will not come to you until you are prepared for them.

God told Joshua that the Children of Israel should be circumcised. Circumcision is the renewal of covenant. So God was telling them – God is more interested in you than in what you possess. Renew your covenant with Him, then you are set to possess the promised land. Circumcision has to do with renewal, rededication, repentance; then the Passover. The Passover means change. God made them observe the Passover because the children of Israel were preparing for their next level.

In the journey from Egypt till they got to the promised land, they observed three Passovers, and each was significant. The first was when they were about leaving Egypt – Ex. 12:3-8. The bitter herbs connote their suffering they went through in Egypt. In the first Passover, God was changing their level – moving them from bondage into freedom. The second Passover was on Mount Sinai – Num 9:1-5. They observed the Passover and they ate Manna. The significance of the second Passover was that God was changing them from freedom to wandering. In order words, they were free, but were not settled. They had blessings, but no inheritance. They were being taken care of from Heaven, they had all things free. They became complacent. The third Passover was when they were about entering the promised land. Joshua 5:10-11. In each of these Passovers, God was changing their menu. Here, they ate of the corn of the land they were entering into; from that moment, manna seized. The land that flows with milk and honey – but nothing flows, everything grows. Here, they must cultivate and nurture the seed, until harvest comes. Even in the promised land, there is labour – things cannot keep being free. Joshua 5:12. The significance of the third Passover was moving from wandering to settlement. They now had inheritance and possession.

Wisdom lessons to learn from Gilgal

1. Do not run away from obstacles. Every promised land has obstacles waiting for you. Obstacles are obstructions that must be tackled. As soon as they entered Gilgal, God knew there was an obstacle on their way that would put fear in them. The wall of Jericho was between 12 and 15 feet tall. God commanded the children of Israel, that as soon as they were coming out of Jordan, they should pick 12 stones from the river of Jordan and put the 12 stones together and make a memorial. Joshua 4:20. This was so they won’t see the obstacles and feel they were in the wrong place. You can be in the right direction and obstacles can still be waiting for you. The memorial connotes God’s presence and backing and help. When you look at the memorial, you will remember that if God had handled obstacles in the past, He would do another now. The memorial is to boost our confidence in God to handle the issue. God says, I have not changed, I am still with you. If I can part Jordan and the red sea, I can pull down the wall.

2. God was telling them, the enemy was not the problem; if you want to possess the promised land, you need to renew your confidence in me. You renew your life with God so things can work for you. Joshua 5:9. In Gilgal, God removes every obstacle so you can get to your next phase. It is a place of turning. Ruth 1:22, Naomi returned – that was repentance. Every time you return, your harvest begins! When you return, God changes your level.

3. Do not be discouraged by opposition. Obstacles are things on your way of progress, while oppositions are people on your way of progress. The children of Israel were not only coming to meet the wall – which was the obstacle, but also opposition – the giants in the land. Every time you are changing level, expect opposition. Opposition is the price for the next level. 1 Sam. 16 – David was anointed, in 1 Sam. 17, Goliath showed up. As soon as Jesus finished the spiritual journey of renewal, He was tempted by the devil. Every next level attracts a new devil. God was telling them, when you meet opposition, do not be afraid, have this understanding that I am always with you. Joshua 5:1. God can remove obstacles on your way but cannot remove opposition. God moves obstacles, but does not move opposition.

How do I handle my enemies that are oppositions?

1. Be conscious of God’s presence that is with you. God will leave the enemy, but will take courage out of them. Joshua 5:1 – all the enemies were already afraid. What makes God omnipotent is that He makes your enemies impotent. They are there, but do not fear them, they are bread for us! Numbers 14:7-9. When your enemies come, do not fear them. The enemy you do not despise you cannot defeat.

2. Every promised land requires a Commander. Joshua 5:13-15. In the promised land, your talent cannot do it, you have to submit to the Captain Himself. Joshua had to submit to God to take over. The man in the burning bush came to them in the promised land. Obey the instruction of the Commander-in-Chief. Joshua 6:3. Because they obeyed God the wall came down. To possess your promised land, you need obedience to divine instructions.