Walking in divine favor – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

October 6, 2019

Grace is the God factor in the race of your life.. and when God is involved, favor comes..

Luke 5:2-3: The favor of Peter began when Jesus stepped into Peter’s ship.  Favor makes you God’s favorite.
Do not negotiate with God. Trust him and allow him favor you..

• Psalm 5:12 – God will bless the righteous with favor.
• Favor is help rendered to you without considering what you have done, or omitted to do or qualification.

What is favor?
The good hands of work in a man’s life..
Nehemiah: 2:5-8, I Sam 16:17

Psalm 102:13: God shall arise and have mercy on Zion. The set time is now.

What happened in the season of favor
1. God sees you and uplifts you. (Ezekiel 21:26)
2. God orders the steps of your Destiny helper to locate you..
3. God reverses order and breaks protocol. (Numbers 17:6-8)
4. What kills others sustains you.. (Exodus 14:21). The red sea was a death trap to the Egyptians and a passage walk for the Israelite.
5. God visits you. (1 Sam 2:21)

How do one connect to divine favor??
• You just give your life to Christ
• Serve God and the interest if his kingdom (Psalm 102:15)
• You just sow the seeds of favor. If you want God to favor you, favor others. (Prov. 11:27, Gal. 6;7)
• By supplication (Psalm 119: 58)
• By grateful and faithful.