Unveiling our breaking limit heritage in the word of God Pt 1a – Sidney Omorogbe

February 2, 2020
Unveiling our breaking limit heritage in the word of God Pt 1a - Sidney Omorogbe

Focus: Revelation for Financial Rest

Gods plan have always being for man to have financial rest. (Psalm 35:27 :- God is delighted when we prosper). Poverty is a wrong reflection of God.

Matthew 5:14-16: Let your light so shine before men so that they can see your good work. You cant lit up a candle and hide under a bushel.

Genesis 1:24-27, Adam was created in the evening of the 6th Day. God created everything before man came which means that man is superior to everything. The first full day of Adams life was the 7th and which God rested. Man was created to rest and not to be stressed. (Genesis 2:2)

Stress is struggle to survive. Its the heritage of the unbelievers and disobedient christian. (Matthew 11:28 – Come to me and I will give you rest)

Hebrews 11:3 – The world were framed by the word of God so that things we see today today were not things which appear. Money was not created when God created the world. All he needed was Ideas and thoughts. The journey to prosperity begins with your value. God didn’t start the world with any capital.

Acts 20:27: I have not shunned to declare to you, all the counsel of God. There is a counsel of God for everything.

Rich men spend money to save time, while poor men spend time to save money. A definition of Poor is Passing over opportunity repeatedly.

Whats the revelation I need for financial rest?
1. Change your mentality. (3 John 1:2 – I wish you above all things that you may prosper as your soul prospers). You can never prosper beyond your mindset – Proverb 12:5. Do not think Insufficiency.
2. Start with what you have where you are. (2 Kinds 4:1-5 :- Elisha met the widowed woman whose sons were to be taken by her creditor. Elisha asked her what she has and she declared a bottle of Oil.) The journey of prosperity starts with sowing a seed.
3. Be on the look out for empty vessels (2 Kings 4:3). In Proverb 13:7, the bible says there is someone that makes himself rich but have nothing, but there is another that makes himself poor (By giving) hath great riches.
4. Watch your motive. (Matthew 6:1 :- When you are giving, do not sound a trumpet. Your rewards will be restricted)
5. Be consistent on sowing seeds. As the widow woman kept on pouring the oil in empty vessels, the oil kept flowing. As soon as there were no more empty vessels, the oil stopped flowing. Don’t stop sowing seeds in to the lives of people.