Understanding the power of Thanksgiving (Pt 4A) – Pastor Sule Usman

December 29, 2019
Understanding the power of Thanksgiving (Pt 4A) - Pastor Sule Usman

The Breakthrough power of preparation
For every beginning, God must be involved (Genesis 1:1). You cant start with God and not have a better ending. Genesis 1:31, it said, and everything was good. Every beginning starts from the spirit realm because the spiritual controls the physical.

In Genesis 2:5 (and every shrub of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew; for Jehovah Elohim had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground), until you till, God cant fill. Releasing blessing without preparation will be wasted. What you dont prepare for, God cant give it to you.

The new year will not deliver something new if you don’t become a new person (To change). Time does not change things, humans does. In Luke 5:37, you dont put new wines in old bottles, but instead, you put new wines in new bottles.

Nothing new will come in a new year if you keep doing things in the same way. Change your approach and you will see good results. The vehicle of progress is change. What you dont prepare for, you can never harvest in life.

What is Preparation?
Luke 14:16-17
1. Preparation is: The state if being ready for something that’s about to happen in the future.
2. Webster Dictionary defines preparation as: The action or process of getting ready for some occasion or duty
3. The activity or process of making something ready or becoming ready for something.

Preparation begins with expectation. If you are not expecting anything, there is no need for preparation. Preparation is a non transferable personal responsibility. No one can prepare for you and vice versa. In Matthew 5:1, it says “But seeing the crowds, he went up into the mountain, and having sat down, his disciples came to him;”

Types of Preparations
1. Spiritual Preparation (Act 20:32). It involves fasting and prayers, seeking the face of God
2. Physical Preparation. It involves planning and setting goals. Have time for your personal development. Learn new things in every opportunity you have. Prepare for marriage.

Joseph was still preparing in the prison. He served in the prison and was made the prime minister.

What is in the breakthrough power of preparation
1. Fulfillment of Prophesies (Mark 6:46-51).
2. You receive divine direction that will terminate your obstacles.