Binding the strong man – Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

October 13, 2019
Binding the strong man - Pastor Sidney Omorogbe

There is always a strong man set over nations, a strong man in your village.

Hebrews 11:3: things that are seen are not as the appear.

Colossians 1:16: there are things created on earth, visible and invisible.

2 Corith. 4:18: Don’t look at things that are seen but the things that are not seen. Because the things we see is temporary but the unseen is eternal.. 2 corithians 5:7 said we work by faith and not by sight.

Points about the strong man
1. The strongman is the keeper of goods. He is the devils warden. ( Ephesians 14: 15-17)

Manifestation of the strong man
1. The strongman blocks answers to prayer (Daniel 10:12)
2. The strong man knows no mercy.

Scripture of the week.
1 Samuel 30:8