Recall that yesterday, we started discussing lessons from the story of the prodigal son, and had Lesson 1 dealt with. We shall be proceeding to the second lesson today.

Our Anchor scripture is in Luke 15:11-32: The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Lesson 2
The elder brother of the prodigal son knew about the travails of his brother in the far Country he went to. Vs 30 of the passage reveals this through the statement of the elder brother – “But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf”. So he knew what the brother was going through, but he never bothered to go look for him in his backsliding state to encourage him back to the Faith (the father’s house).

Despite the fact that the elder brother knew about the state of his brother in that far away Country, it was not recorded or written that he declared prayer and fasting in order to pray and interceded for the restoration of his younger brother. The same way it is today, many believers take delight in discussing the fallen state of fellow Christians, but never take out time to intercede for their restoration.

A Christianity, where we neglect and abandon our wounded brothers, is not Christ-like.
A Christianity, where the strong does not uphold the weak, is ungodly

So it is our duty as Christians to do all within our powers to be our brother’s keeper, indeed!

The blessings of today shall locate everyone of us, be blessed!!!

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