The Leadership Secrets of Jesus VII – Luke 2:41 – 52

King David was undoubtedly the greatest king that ruled the nation of Israel and an exemplary generational leader (Acts 13:36). The secret of great men is in their stories. What made King David an extraordinary leader – Ps. 78:72 “…He led them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.” He had character and skillfulness. It is not enough to be skillful in the area of leadership, you must possess sound character in your walk with God and relationship with people. He was rated by his followers as ten thousand of them put together due to his impact and relevance (2 Sam. 18:3 …but now thou art worth ten thousand of us: therefore now it is better that thou succor us out of the city). Character failure is the major reason why many leaders today do not last. Once people lose faith in your person (character), you cease to lead them!

Principle No. 7 – Leaders follow due order

Leadership development is a process, there is a time for preparation and a time for manifestation (Lk. 1:80, Lk. 2:52). Jesus, at twelve years old, was already manifesting the signs of leadership and greatness; but he had a wait for another eighteen (18) years to fully manifest the grace and gift of God upon his life.

• God’s Generals are often raised in the wilderness or desert (Lk. 1:80 (John the Baptist), Exo. 3:1-14 (Moses), 1 Sam 13:11-13 (David)). There is the season of hiding to learn as a leader (1 Kings 17:2-4) – Elijah was told to hide at the Brook Cherith to feed (develop). There is also a season to manifest as a solution provider after due preparation (1 Kings 18:1). That is the showing season, it is the hiding season that precedes the showing season. Elijah was sent to Ahab to solve a national problem of drought and famine after three and a half years.

• As a leader in the making, you need patience. Don’t be in a hurry to manifest, you must stay to learn new lessons you don’t know yet. Jesus prepared for thirty years to accomplish an assignment that lasted for just three and a half years.

We have had seven daily anchors on the leadership secrets of Jesus. As you put these vital leadership secrets to work in your life, I see the leader in you emerging to impact your generation!

Have a most fruitful and fulfilling day.



  • Pst Ike Mbah Posted April 23, 2020 7:21 pm

    Thank you sir these lessons on leadership. So much to learn from our perfect example. More grace sir for more impactful teachings.

  • Marietta Igbafe Posted April 24, 2020 11:32 am

    Thanks for exposing us to these Leadership secrets. God bless you Sir.

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