The Leadership Secrets of Jesus – Luke 2:41 – 52

Christianity is not only a journey but also a growth process. It is a spiritual development process where we mature and grow unto the full status of Christ (Eph 4:11 – 15). We need spiritual development and leadership skills to reign on the earth as kings in our given assignment to humanity (Rev. 5:10). It takes maturity to understand and handle spiritual authority (Gal. 4:1-3,7).

Leadership is not about an office you occupy (position) or title you bear; leadership is all about influence (Jn 21:3). A true leader influences others by his lifestyle and result without necessarily compelling them to do things (Matt. 5:13 – 16). We all, as believers, have capacity for leadership – to influence our world for Christ, but it must be nurtured or developed. Leadership development is the art or skill of developing the potentials in us for leadership in our various areas of gifting.

Principle No 1: Leaders separate themselves from the crowd Luke 2:43, 44
Jesus followed his parents to Jerusalem at the age of 12 to observe the feast of Passover. He stayed behind after the feast, his parent had to return back to Jerusalem seeking him and he was found on the third day.

The first principle of leadership we learn from this story is that Jesus separated himself from his peers (crowd). True leaders stand out from the crowd. There is conformity within the crowd. Leaders are visionaries – they set new boundaries, birth new ideas and influence people’s behavior.

Leaders lead, that is why they are in front for others to follow. Eagles don’t move with turkey because both are birds, they fly alone. A leader makes his own decision and takes responsibility for his actions. As Christians and light bearers, we must separate ourselves from the world’s lifestyle and standard. We cannot influence them for Christ if we live like them. Everyone is doing it does not make it right!. Stand out, stand for God (Josh. 24:15). The grace and blessings of today will attend to you.


Prayer – Lord, give me the grace and courage to stand out for you. Amen!


  • Pst Ike Mbah Posted April 15, 2020 2:55 pm

    “Eagles don’t move with turkeys because they are both birds”. These words hit me sir. Thank you Daddy for those words. Yes! We’re all humans in church or in the workplace but we’re different. It’s time I begin to set the pace for others to follow.
    More grace daddy for more insightful words

  • Onyekachukwu Igwe Posted April 15, 2020 10:29 pm

    Hmmmm. That’s a word from heaven meant for me. He who has an ear …… One thing I ask God daily is for Him to keep my mind stayed on Him. To stand out despite d pressure has been my heart cry, because I know there must be light at the end of the tunnel. I must fly alone to be distinguished in this crooked and perverse generation, come what may. More grace Sir. A million thanks!

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